Welcome to The Muraqaba School Admissions Application form. We appreciate the investment you’re willing to make toward your child(ren)’s future. We value your time and wanted to share some guidelines to help you through the process:
-Be sure to scroll & read through the entire form before you start filling it out so you know what to expect in terms of time & information needed.
-Gather all the necessary information prior to starting. Unfortunately this form cannot be saved, so you will have to enter it all in one sitting.
-Documents you will need per child applicant: latest report card, latest standardized test results, any IEP or other plan if it exists, 1 recommendation letter.
-Kindly understand that the admissions review process has a time & cost component for us, hence there is a non-refundable admissions application fee ($250 for 1 Child, $400 for 2 Children, $500 for 3 Children).
Family Information
Student Information
The Muraqaba School Questions
I, the undersigned, understand that this application and all other relevant information and documents will be considered by The Muraqaba School through its Admissions Process & Review. I grant The Muraqaba School permission to request information regarding the applicant(s) that can be used during the admissions process. The Muraqaba School may disclose applicant information for official school purposes to the Head of School, appropriate administrators, leadership, and/or staff. I attest that all the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge at the time of application. I understand it is essential I communicate all details that may affect the applicant(s) experience at The Muraqaba School. Any false, inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading statements and information can be grounds for dismissal of the application. I agree to notify The Muraqaba School of any changes in information during the admissions process.
Please Review Your Application Before Clicking Submit